Tuesday, May 17, 2011


In a few short weeks I will be off to Singapore to complete a three month internship. This opportunity was one that unsuspectingly came my way, but one I am extremely thrilled about. In reality anyone who knows me, knows I would never give up an opportunity to travel. Having never really experienced the Asian continent (except for in India) I am looking forward to not only gain a full life immersion but exposure into the Asian financial industry. In my boredom of the month of May here are 5 fun facts about Singapore:  

1. Singapore consists of one main and 63 islands off the coast of Malaysia 
2. Singapore is the second most densely populated country in the world (given that it is also one of the smallest)
3. Singlish is considered a creole language, a mix between English, and Chinese, Malay and Tamil phrases. 
4. Singapore has the first night zoo in the whole world. 
5. It is a criminal offence to litter, leave still water laying, failing to lock up your bicycle and the import and selling of chewing gum (I am allowed to chew it though). 

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